Friday 7 October 2022

Questions and more questions...

Where do you start? People would say - well, from the beginning, right? But how can you know at what point you changed? At what point did things get out of control? Think of all those moments when you simply let your soul be silent and let your instincts take control of your emotions, your mind was a hurricane of thoughts wanting to come out, and explode. How many times did you not scream and simply said enough is enough, I'm tired of all this? 

I think the biggest challenge comes now, to silence your emotions and control them in moments of stress, in the tests that life puts you to see if it is true that you are trying. Of course, we know that things will not always be like this, that there are moments when you need to scream and get it out, of purification. This last year, since 2020 and so far in 2021, I have changed a lot, I have advanced slowly, but I notice my small victories, and it is so encouraging to be able to say, I made it, I overcame this test.


Gre ❤

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